Friday 23 September 2011

Off Again, Again!!

I know this might look familiar but yes I'm off to China again, again! 

So much left to pack, so little baggage allowance.

When I get back I have so many things I want to post, like best bits from London and AW initial trend and something a little less fashion related, a post about our little Hackney flat and increasing obsession with taxidermy! 

Until next week... xx

AW 12/13

So partly due to PV and partly due to work on a new project I have found myself knee deep in magazines researching trend for next winter. 

I will post my fav editorials next week, when I return from China and am allowed to use Blogger!

My stack of magazines threatening to buckle our coffee table!

My 'studio'/ Kitchen table

Beautiful magazines ripped to pieces!

Tears to inform my trends, the magazines were lost to a good cause!

PV express

So this week, mid catwalks, I set off to Paris on the PV express at crazy O'Clock! It was a nice change to have a focus on future trends instead of just focusing on the current. 

The need for caffeine was great!

Aside from the AW 12/13 trade show's we attended it was so good being back in Paris. Its such an amazing city. The hotel we stayed in, in La Marais district of Paris was a little more than rough and ready- I didn't know pebble dash could be done inside a building??? But its such a gorgeous part of the city it really didn't matter!

Loving the bell jars used to display fabrics at Texworld

Slightly scary rickety, winding stairway in our hotel!

Amazing vintage shop round the corner from our hotel in La Marais

Perfect Parisian cafe 

A well earned Kroenenburg 

The beautiful Buddha Bar

Tuesday 13 September 2011

NYFW Top Hits

Urban tribes meet sports grunge at Alexander Wang

60's kitch at Jill Stuart

Surprisingly modern for vintage king at Marc by Marc Jacobs

Softly street at twitter queen Rebecca Minkoff

Collar Crush

I will update more collections tonight/ tomorrow but I just wanted to share a developing obsession with you!

Actually I guess its two things: the shirt under the boxy/ nan jumper with the collar poking out and the pastel layered dressing. Love it!! I fear I will be mentioning this again,again and again......

Monday 12 September 2011

And so it begins!

I have noticed that NFW has started!! It has been all go at work so much so I haven't had time to update here, whoops! We also spent the first major show weekend in an idyllic village in Shropshire for our friends wedding (check out some pics here), there's only so much you can look at before people, rightfully start looking at you disapprovingly!!

Going forward I will update with shows that I love on a personal level and key shows I think we will all be looking at to shape the UK high street in the newt few months. Sadly I do not get front row seats so all images are courtesy of unless otherwise specified.

Easy florals and polka dots, paired with simple, clean silhouettes create a desirable, modern collection from ADAM

Saturday 3 September 2011

Accidental August Break!

I'm not still stuck in China, although I couldn't post whilst out there. China/ Google/ Blogspot/ freedom of speech issues. 

As I arrived home the riots in London started, the ones in Hackney on our doorstep.... so heartbreaking seeing your area tearing itself apart. Following that the world felt very different and motivating myself to gabble on about my favourite colour/ hemline seemed a bit crass and irrelevant....

Then I got laryngitis and was stuck in bed for a week, without a voice. For anyone that knows me they will know how much this drove me up the wall!! Luckily I had two very friendly cats and my amazing Nick to nurse me back to health. Following that my superhero Mum had a big cancer scare, thank god all the results have come back and she's fine. Puts a bit of perspective on things.

So that, it turns out, is how you can lose a month!! Now I'm back and on good form I would like to add! I also think when the whole world feels like its turning on its head it helps you get a bit of perspective on the things that really count. Health, family and loved ones and perhaps more surprisingly things like feeling creative and working on things like a little, 'irrelevant' blog!! xxx

Please enjoy a few little pics I took over the past month for more check my tumblr.
landing back home from China to a beautiful sunrise

My little Lenny and Bazaar looking after me

Autumnal flowers at Liberty

My amazing Nick @Chatsworth Road market

A glass of bubbles @Kettners to celebrate my Mum's birthday!