Sunday, 8 January 2012

Swing Patrol

A little note to say after many months of threatening it, Nick and I are finally going to take up dancing, I think it will be hilarious/ potentially dangerous due to the length of our limbs and general lack of co-ordination but we're going to give it a good go anyway!!


Happy (belated) New Year! I have to say I've got a really good feeling about this one, last year had many ups and downs, a hard grafting year for everyone I know. I think this year is going to show the rewards of last years hard work, well I hope so anyway!! 

This also going to be the most incredible year for me and Nick as we are getting married in less than five months, I don't think I've ever been more excited!!

A little motto my sister sent me, we've got this as our saying for 2012! 

This was on a wall on brick lane, love the idea of letting things go (also love the note about letting go of the monsters under your bed!)

Training myself to appreciate the little things: My mini silver 2012 diary where I'm writing a list of all the little positive things that happen daily, which I have a tendency not to notice/ forget/ ignore!  

Xmas Break

Sorry for the recent silence, I was trying to relax and stay away from my computer over Xmas to recover from the mental-ness that is my 9-5!! I really admire all those diligent bloggers who hold down a day job and don't neglect their blogs! 

Just wanted to share a few pics from my Xmas break. Who would have thought 11 days of holiday could go so quickly?!

It was a london based Xmas this year so good to see family and being looked after by my parents

I was insanely spoilt by my amazing Nick who (unprompted!) got me these classic Mui Mui courts!

I guess this is a little snapshot of me and Nick's Xmas, lots of cuddles and pints in festive pubs!